It's not working.

The problem is the way you've learned to think about offers.

Reducing an offer to a set of decisions makes it near impossible to speak with any authority.

Offer Obsession is the process that shows you how to turn your skills and passions into a service or product the market will pay for.

But more than that, the process creates safety to own your offer and share it with authority.

You will understand why your offer is valuable and how to talk about in a way that makes sense.

— update — 

Offer Obsession is 

Enrollment is closed for this cohort for Offer Obsession. 

We specialize in curated programs, experiences and offers that are mostly available for a season. 

There are other offers that you can purchase and of course you can join our mailing list to know about new offers in the future.

Take our HD Free Course

Interested in learning more about Human Design. This intro course gives you what you need to know to start your Human Design Journey!
— MasterClass

Money Making Decisions

Join us to learn what Money Making Decisions are and how to make them with your design in mind. 
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— Work with Taylor V

1 on 1 Coaching

Now you can work with Taylor 1 on 1. Not only will you get coaching from  a Master Certified Life Coach, but you'll also get brand strategy  all infused with Human Design awareness.
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Smart, pageant queen to Master Certified Business Coach

I am going to be blunt.
It is hard being brilliant.

If I'm being honest, some of this brilliance was developed in places of pain. So when it came time to choose my niche and start selling--my brain went to work. Just like it always does.

Except this time, it showed me all the reasons why I was not the one to coach people. It gave me proof for how much damage can be done when a coach is unskilled. It reminded me that people want an expert, and that I probably will never be one.

I felt awful, but more than that--I believed the answer was more trainings, better messaging, another coach, and a better marketing strategy.

I had no idea--the answer was to just own my offer. Sound simple. But it was process.

When  I started to own it, the sales started coming in. I knew that others needed to know how this works.  

The answer was ownership. The kind of ownership that often looks like obsession.

Offer Obsession.
Write your awesome label here.
current students

Maybe you can relate?

I had so many different things I wanted to offer. This process is helping me pull them together in a way that feels good. I don't have to keep parts of me separate.
Knowing how to make money is great, but the frameworks are showing me how to OWN my offer. That is everything especially combined with being coached from the seat of my design.

The Details

Aren't you ready to sell with ease?

The ease comes from what the work you do with your offer--not your clients results.


“The most impactful part of working with Taylor was her ability to not only see me but also reflect my genius back to me. I was also highly surprised and excited about the depth of knowledge and processes Taylor possess. She also knows how to infuse your Human Design into your business in a way that is new and actionable.”
Your process is so elegant and nuanced. I know business, and I have never heard it taught like this. It's deep and invites me to know myself better. 
I needed this work so badly. I'm so glad I trusted my intuition and did this. This is my life's work. Thank you for seeing me and holding this space for me.

This investment is risk free.

You have 10 days after purchase to change your mind and receive a full refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to use Human Design? If so, how much do I need to know? 

The Offer Obsession Process is not dependent on Human Design. You can fully complete the process without ever investigating Human Design. However, the process demands a high level of self-awareness, and for this Human Design is unparalleled. You don't need an in-depth understanding of Human Design. Resources are provided to familiarize you with the aspects that are most relevant to mastering offer creation and making money.

How long can I keep it for? 

You will have access to the process for the life of the program. Some content such as coaching replays will be phased out periodically.

What individualized support is available? 

While this a self-directed group program, there are specific opportunities available for individualized attention. Weekly live coaching, content reviews, workshops, and question and answer forums–all ensure that you get the personalized support you need.

I don’t have an offer yet. Do I need this? 

Yes. The offer creation is a fundamental skill to success–especially today. Without it, there is nothing to market or sell. Whether you need to craft your first offer or refine your current offer this is the course and experience for you. 

I already have an offer that makes money - How will this program help me?

Making money is not the only requirement for a valuable offer. Your experience matters. Your client or customer’s experience matters. In other words, the gap between where you are and where you want to go is in your offer.

How much time is required?

This container offers courses that can take about 6 weeks to work through. Additionally, there are 60-90 min optional live sessions on average weekly.
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